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Donate for a Good Cause
Donations made to our trust will be used for charitable purposes.

Bank Transfer:

Account No: 2456101508078

IFSC: CNRB0002456

Type: Savings Account

Branch: Kalyan Nagar (Bangalore)


Canara Bank,
401,7th A main,4th Cross,Kalyan Nagar

Scan to Donate

QR code for Donations

For Credit card Donations

Tax exemption details

# 80GSection 80G allows you to claim a 50%  deduction up to 10% of your gross total income.


In order to obtain a Form 10 BE donation certificate, it is imperative that you provide all of your personal information, including your PAN, name, and address on or before 31st March of the relevant financial year. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the invalidation of your 80G claim when submitting your income tax returns. GLP strongly urges you to furnish all necessary information to ensure a successful deduction claim. You may enter your details by clicking HERE.

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